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Hi and welcome to my teaching portfolio!
On the following pages you will find a collection of my learning and experiences over the past few years, in response to the AITSL Professional Standards for Proficient teachers.
Since graduating in July 2015, I have enjoyed numerous relief roles across Foundation to Year 12, at Cummins Area School, Ungarra Primary School, and Lake Wangary Primary School. In July 2016 I undertook a Junior Primary NIT role at Ungarra Primary School, and in 2017 have extended this role to include the Upper Primary class at Ungarra as well. Additionally, this year I have also had the opportunity to coordinate Special Education at Cummins Area School.
The range of roles that I have experienced in these few short years have provided wonderful opportunities for immersion in new learning across numerous school contexts, year levels, social/behavioural and ability types. From every experience - both good and not so good(!) - I have taken away a wealth of new knowledge that I only hope will continue for many more years to come.
I hope you enjoy reading through the evidence provided on this site. As a lifelong learner, I value all comments and feedback so feel free to be in touch anytime, to discuss any of the evidence I have provided in this portfolio.
Thanks for your time,
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