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The power of a teacher to make a difference in the life of a child should never be underestimated.

My teaching philosophy is a reflection of my beliefs, values, and aspirations, which will continue to evolve as my own learning journey progresses.



  • Learning is personal, building upon individual student strengths, interests, prior knowledge, and life experiences (AITSL 1.1, 1.2);

  • Knowing each student individually is the best way to tailor teaching to meet their needs (AITSL Standard 1 – “Know Students and How they Learn”);

  • Positive teacher/student relationships form the basis upon which positive educational experiences are built (AITSL 3.5, 4.1);

  • Classroom experiences should be challenging, relevant, and personally meaningful (AITSL 3.1, 3.3);

  • Behavioural interventions, when necessary, must maintain respect and student dignity (AITSL 4.3);

  • Every child deserves the opportunity, and encouragement, to be their best. (AITSL 4.1).



  • The rich contributions that family and community can make to teaching and learning (AITSL 3.7, 7.3, 7.4);

  • The important link between social and emotional wellbeing and positive educational experiences (AITSL 4.4);

  • An inclusive pedagogical approach that integrates Indigenous cultural perspectives with learning experiences for all students (AITSL 1.4, 2.4);

  • Authentic, multi-sensory and experiential learning environments that foster creativity, lateral thinking and self-expression (AITSL 4.1);

  • Consistent, clear communication strategies to ensure that expectations, content, extension and support are effectively articulated (AITSL 3.5, 4.1, 4.2)

  • Positive, respectful, and safe classroom environments, where students can make discoveries - and mistakes - without being judged;

  • Democratic classroom environments that empower students to contribute to, and take responsibility for, their own code of conduct (AITSL 4.3);

  • Ethical and protective practices that ensure the safety and wellbeing of every student (AITSL 4.4, 7.1);

  • Educational settings, including outdoors, that offer a meaningful context upon which real-world concepts can be learned.



  • To continue to be a designer of classroom experiences that challenge, engage, stimulate, and cater to the learning needs of all students (AITSL 1.5, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4);

  • To continue to develop strategies to support students with a disability, through regular communication with Education Support Services, to help guide the development of personalised planning for students with individual needs (AITSL 1.6);

  • To continue to reflect on my teaching experiences, welcome feedback from colleagues, and actively seek ways to positively change and develop my practices on an ongoing basis (AITSL 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4);

  • To continue to work alongside parents and carers, to support student engagement and achievement, identify learning needs, and establish achievable learning goals (AITSL 3.7, 7.3);

  • To never stop trying to harness the inherent curiosity within every child, that I may encourage my students to inquire, question, problem solve, and develop a love of learning.


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